Claire-Jean Korzenewski, BS

Claire-Jean Korzenewski has a B.S. in geology and experience in petroleum exploration. She is an educator with public school teaching experience in junior high and high school sciences. Claire-Jean is now a freelance writer who makes communications more effective - to inform, to educate, and to enhance profits for businesses and individuals.

Claire-Jean Korzenewski

Science Facts Written by Claire-Jean Korzenewski, BS


Sedimentary Rock

Sedimentary rock is one of three rock types on earth. Rock types are classified according to how the rock is formed. Igneous rock forms as it cools to a solid from molten rock. Metamorphic rock forms ... Continue reading

Sedimentary rocks.

Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition

Weathering, erosion, and deposition are processes continually at work on or near earth's surface. Over time, these processes result in the formation of sedimentary rocks. Weathering occurs when rocks ... Continue reading

Grand Canyon

What Causes Ice Ages....Or Global Warming?

We know from the rock record and cores taken from polar ice caps that periods of global cooling (ice ages, or periods of glaciation) have alternated with warmer, more temperate periods having climates ... Continue reading

Landsat 1 MSS digitally enhanced image of the Byrd Glacier where it joins the Ross Ice Shelf.

Igneous Rocks, Born of Fire

Rocks are naturally occurring solid mixtures of substances primarily made of minerals. There are three kinds of rock on earth - igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock. Sedimentary rock forms from ... Continue reading

Half Dome as viewed from Glacier Point,YosemiteNational Park, rises more than a kilometer above the valley floor.

Rock, Mineral, Crystal, or Gemstone?

Rocks and minerals are all around us and used every day, perhaps without us even being aware of them. Besides making up the solid, supporting surface of the earth we live and move upon daily, rocks ... Continue reading


Silent Earthquakes

Try this demonstration of earthquake movement. Shape modeling clay into two blocks or get two firm sponge blocks. Press the sides of the blocks together while trying to slide them slowly past each ... Continue reading

Subduction of the Juan de Fuca Plate under the North American Plate controls the distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes in the Pacific Northwest. Mount Hood is just one of several recently active, major volcanic centers in the Cascade Range.

Finding Ice In The Rocks--Evidence Of Earth's Ice Ages

In the late 1700s, geologists began trying to determine how huge boulders of granite weighing several tons could have moved as much as 80 km (50 miles) from their origins in the Swiss Alps. Some ... Continue reading

Glacial Erosion, Grand Tetons, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

Metamorphic Rock

There are three rock types on earth, named according to how the rock is formed. Igneous rock forms as it cools to a solid from molten rock. Sedimentary rock is formed from the consolidation of ... Continue reading

Metamorphic rocks smoothed by the surf at West Quoddy Head.

How Do We Predict The Climate--100,000 Years Ago?

Since the only ice age that occurred during human existence ended 10,000 to 12,000 years ago, how can we know today that several major ice ages occurred during earth's history? How do we know how much ... Continue reading

Composite of ice, derrick, core handler.

Eratosthenes Measured Earth’s Circumference—Centuries Before Columbus Sailed

Eratosthenes (c. 276 – 194 BC) was born more than 2200 years ago in the Greek city of Cyrene, now a city in the North African country of Libya. (The Greek Empire surrounded much of the Mediterranean ... Continue reading