Physics Facts

Ultraviolet Light

Ultraviolet light is a form of radiation which is not visible to the human eye. It's in an invisible part of the 'electromagnetic spectrum'. Radiated energy, or radiation, is given off by many ... Continue reading

Images from the EIT (Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Telescope) instrument on the SOHO spacecraft.

The Doppler Effect

As any object moves through the air, the air near the object is disturbed. The disturbances are transmitted through the air at a distinct speed called the speed of sound, because sound itself is just ... Continue reading

Sound is just a sensation created in the human brain in response to small pressure fluctuations in the air.

Delivered by TIR

The content of this article has been delivered to you via internet fiber-optic links. Today most phone conversations, fax transmissions and almost all internet and email traffic travel at the speed of ... Continue reading

Fiberoptic cable

Quick Change Artist

The word transformation means one thing changing into another, like Dr. Jekyl changing into Mr. Hyde. In mathematics, sets of numbers often go through transformations. For example, the numbers ... Continue reading