Mathematics Facts

Kepler's Conjecture

Take a bunch of oranges that are similar in size and try to pack them into a cardboard box. What is the most efficient orange arrangement so that you fit the most oranges into the box? Should you ... Continue reading

Is this the most efficient way of packing oranges?

Math On the Mind

In the mid-1800's, Paul Broca discovered that there were specialized functions for different regions in the human brain. He identified the third gyrus (the ridges on the surface of the cerebral ... Continue reading

How To Calculate The Volume Of A Right Cone

Cones are used every day for a variety of purposes. Perhaps the most useful application of the cone shape is as a funnel. For finding the volume, a cone is best viewed as a stack of circles, each one ... Continue reading

How To Calculate The Area Of A Right Cone

The cone is another three-dimensional shape based on the circle. You could think of it as the cross between a circle and a right triangle. Its properties will have features of both shapes, and this ... Continue reading