Mathematics Facts

What Are Cubes And Cube Roots?

The mathematical term 'cube' comes from the three-dimensional shape of the same name. A cube shape has three dimensions of length, width, and height, all equal and at angles of 90 to each other. Put ... Continue reading

How To Calculate The Area Of A Cylinder

Understanding how to find the area of a cylinder is easy if one first visualizes the cylinder and breaks its surface down into component pieces. To do this, first take a good look at the most common ... Continue reading

What Are Squares And Square Roots?

The mathematical term 'square' comes from the two-dimensional shape of the same name. A square shape has the two dimensions of length and width, both exactly the same and at angles of 90 to each ... Continue reading

Perfect Numbers

Some numbers are more special than others. According to Pythagoras (569 BC - 475 BC) and Euclid (325 BC - 265 BC), some are so special that they called them mystical or perfect numbers. The first ... Continue reading

Perfect Numbers