Anne Welsbacher
Anne Welsbacher has focused on science books for young readers, particularly on the natural sciences. Most recently she authored a book for middle- and high-school students on the Hawaiian rainforest, for Lerner Publishing. She has written a number of books on individual animals for Capstone Press as well as picture books for very young readers (for Lerner) on various wading birds and brown pelicans.
Science Facts Written by Anne Welsbacher
Cougars, A Jumping Star
Cougars would make great basketball or track-and-field players. Of all the big cats, they are the best jumpers. They can jump 40 feet forward from a standing position, and 15 feet or higher straight ... Continue reading
A Creature Only A Mother Could Love?
A creature only a mother could love isn't even much loved by its own mother. The Komodo dragon, weighing as much as 300 lbs. (136 kgs) or more, eats more than half its own weight in one meal. It ... Continue reading
Heady Success
Hammerhead sharks might strike you as strange: or, they might just strike you. Among the oddest-looking of sharks, all nine types of hammerheads sport heads with sides stretched wide, like the head of ... Continue reading
What flying creature can hop, leap, and turn somersaults? Another hint: it can fit in the palm of your hand and weighs about the same as a penny. One more hint: its entire diet is blood. Desmodus ... Continue reading