Kenneth A Wesson

Kenneth Wesson is a keynote speaker, writer and educational consultant for pre-school through university-level institutions and organizations. He speaks throughout the world on the neuroscience of learning and methods for creating classrooms and learning environments that are 'brain-considerate.' Ken’s articles appear in educational journals.

Kenneth A Wesson

Science Facts Written by Kenneth A Wesson


The Blood-brain Barrier

In the human brain, there are approximately 400-425 miles of capillaries. Because the brain is basically a small neurochemistry factory, which makes our behavior a function of its interior chemical ... Continue reading

Human Brain

The Limbic System

The limbic (meaning 'ring') system is virtually identical in all mammals. It sits above the brain stem, resembling a bagel with a finger (the brain stem) passing through it. This limbic 'system' ... Continue reading

The amygdala; a part of the limbic system.

Electricity and the Brain

A child's electric train and our brains have something in common. They both require electricity for any activity to take place. But the brain uses electricity in a much different way than a toy train. ... Continue reading


Where is God in the Brain?

A British study reported that epileptics had 'profoundly spiritual experiences' in a specific region of the brain. In other studies, there was also a region of the brain that became extremely active ... Continue reading

Religious Icon

Math On the Mind

In the mid-1800's, Paul Broca discovered that there were specialized functions for different regions in the human brain. He identified the third gyrus (the ridges on the surface of the cerebral ... Continue reading


Our Brains: A Wasted Resource?

Have you ever heard people say, 'Human beings use only 10 percent of their brains?' It implies that some gifted scientist has already been able to accurately calibrate the brain's maximum operational ... Continue reading

This brain scan is taken from a normal person who is awake. The red color shows the highest level of glucose utilization.

The Developing Brain

During embryogenesis (the process by which an embryo is converted from a fertilized cell to a full-term fetus), brain cells develop at the astounding rate of over 250,000 per minute. There are several ... Continue reading

An embryo undergoes rapid development and neural pruning.


Does a bumpy head mean you're a brainy guy? In the 19th century, many people were absolutely convinced that bumps were the keys to understanding the human brain after Austrian medical student, Franz ... Continue reading


The Touching Brain

Our brain and skin are initially part of the same primitive formation during prenatal development, but they are separated during the process of neurogenesis (the embroyo's production of brain cells). ... Continue reading

Learning by touching.